Mind Mapping Shakespeare

Increase Your Creativity

with Your Writer's Brain

Thursday, March 3, 2022

11:00 am Pacific Time / 2:00 pm Eastern Time

A good idea should never go to waste and having a trusted place where all your ideas grow is even more important. Shared folders and lists don’t cut it, your thinking and projects need to be expanded and discovered, not confined in a directory structure.

This webinar will show you how to build a powerful research network that reflects your unique creative vision and add some sizzle to your writing projects.

Topics covered include:

  • Idea warehousing and creative knowledge capture
  • Planning and organizing creative content
  • Overcoming writer’s block with visual brainstorming
  • Combining networked ideas into a linear document
  • Aggregating disparate content automatically

Recording Now Available

Hello 2022. Get Ready for Anything.

Hybrid Work Modes and Adaptive

Knowledge Networks in Your Brain

The new normal is change and resiliency. Just when you think you’ve figured things out, new data emerges and your situation is completely different. This webinar will focus on how you can use your brain to respond to change and be ready for anything in this dynamic New Year, while not losing sight of your goals.

TheBrain 101

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